Registration Procedures
International Education College
Flow Chart of Enrollment for New Overseas Students
Registration Date:Sep 1, 2014 –Sep 5, 2014
Registration Address: Oriental Garden
All students have to register on theirdesignated day of registration. Please keep in mind that no one can register onyour behalf. Students must bring the following documents and register:
1) AdmissionNotification (original copy)
2) VisaApplication for Study in China form JW201/JW202 ,(original copy, the white page and the yellow page)
3) Copy of passport (the photo page) and validvisa page
4) Physical examination record and blood test reports (original copy), ifavailable)
5) 8 Photos (2 inches), and copy the Electronicphoto JPG format to office 1007 soon
Late Registration
Students are required to arrive no laterthan the day of registration (specific date is written on the admissionletter). Those who will be arriving late must write a letter to the International Education College,informing the staff of your late arrival and its reasons. If you are to arrivelater than or after the day of registration, you must write a letter to the InternationalEducation College, informing the staff of your late arrival and its reasons.