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Regarding Lost Passports

Overseas students who losetheir passports during their residence in China should complete the following procedures:

a.Report the loss to the localpolice station where the passport was lost;
b.Report the loss to Wuhan City Public Security Bureau of exit - Entry Administration Department and get thecertificate of passport loss;
c.Go to the embassy of thestudent concerned to apply for a new passport;
d.Proceed to Wuhan City PublicSecurity Bureau of exit - Entry Administration Department to conduct visa andresidence permit procedures.

Please Note:
In light with the updated regulations, students who obtain an F/L visa whileentering, may not change their visa into Residence Permit unless that you wishto apply for " Multiple Entry & Exit " or the visa is due toexpire before the study is completed in China.

Degree Students can qualify for a residence permit for maximum two-yearduration at a time while a non-degree one for a maximum one-semester. Thecriteria the Office charges you are as follows:

Duration < 1 year 400RMB; Duration 1 year ≤ 2 years 800RMB;

Information and procedures for visa/Residence Permit application are subject topossible changes announced by relevant offices. Please consult with OverseasStudent Affairs Offices No.1017 in advance for updated information and advice.

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