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Residence Permit Application

Students holding a student visa/'X' visa must apply for a residence permit within the first 30 days after their arrival. To apply for a residence permit, students must first submit the following documents to the International Education College.

1. First-timer: certificate of housing registration from the local police station, JW202/JW201 (original), admission letter,     health report, one 2-inch photo (with white/blue background).

2. New students asking for an extension of residence permit: graduation proof, admission letter from CUG, JW202/JW201, certificate of housing registration, one 2-inch photo.

3. Renew F-visa (first timer) or change L-visa into  F-visa: admission letter, JW202/JW201, certificate of housing     registration, one 2-inch photo.

4. Extend the residence permit, or renew F-visa:  certificate of housing registration, one 2-inch photo.

5. Students under 18: authorization form from a  legal guardian, photocopy of the guardian's passport, latest visa page and immigration stamp (for Chinese guardians, photocopy of their ID card), photocopies of parents' passports, birth certificate given by the Chinese Embassy in home country.

Students who possess a Student Visa/'X' Visamust apply for a Residence Permit within the first 30 days of their arrival.Toapply for the Residence Permit, students must first submit the followingdocuments to the International Students Division.

Flow Chart of Residence Permit Application






Tuition  & Registration

Pay  the tuition fee, change it for XMU invoice and complete registration  procedures.

Oriental  Garden Room 1019、1007


Admissions  documents

Receive  admission notice and JW202/201 (yellow page). It takes about three weeks to  apply for new admissions documents.

Oriental  Garden

Room  1007


Accommodation  registration

Dormitory:  Introduction letter to dormitory reception issued by Room 1015,  passport copies including the main page and pages with the latest visa and  entry stamp

Oriental  Garden

Room  1015

Off  campus: Introduction letter to local police issued by Room 1015,  passport, lease contract, ID of house owner, house ownership paper

Local police


Physical  examination

Do  the physical examination before breakfast with passport, 4 pictures, costing  about RMB 500. Please hand in all original reports to the quarantine bureau  for verification, costing RMB 60 if you did the health check in your home  countries.

Wuhan  Quarantine Bureau


Residence  permit application

Ask  for Residence Permit Application Form and other documents from OSAO  with passport, tuition invoice, accommodation registration form, admission  notice copy, JW202/201 (yellow page), health certificate, and 3 photos.

Oriental  Garden

Room  1007


Submitting  documents

Submit all  documents received in step 5

Wuhan  City Public Security Bureau of exit - Entry Administration Department


Receiving  passport

Receive  your passport with new residence permit in 15 work days

Wuhan  City Public Security Bureau of exit - Entry Administration Department


Accommodation  RE-registration

Dormitory:  Introduction letter to dormitory reception issued by OEC, passport  copies including the main page and pages with the latest visa and entry stamp

Oriental  Garden

Room  1015

Off  campus: Introduction letter to local police issued by OEC, passport,  lease contract, ID of house owner, house ownership paper

Local police

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