A Delegation of Tornovo University Bulgaria Led by the President Visited CUG
On December 11, 2013, a 5-member delegation of TornovoUniversity led by Prof. Plamen the President visited CUG. Prof. Wang Yanxinthe president of CUG received the delegation and Hao Fang the vice presidentattended the meeting of the council of Confucius Institute of TornovoUniversity.
At 9 o'clock on December 11, 2013, Prof. Wang Yanxinthe president received the delegation led by Prof. Plamen the President.President Wang introduced recent development status of CUG and expressed warmwelcome to the delegation from Bulgaria.
At half past nine in the morning, the 2013 meeting ofthe council of Confucius Institute of Tornovo University was held at No. 3Conference Room of the reception building. President Plamen of TornovoUniversity, Prof. Hristo Iliev Bondzholv the dean of language school of TornovoUniversity, foreign dean and other council members attended the meeting. Themeeting discussed the issues such as the change of members of the council, workreport of 2013 and work plan for 2014 of the Confucius Institute. Vicepresident Hao Fang and Prof. Ma Changqian the director with InternationalCooperation Office of CUG praised the rapid development of Confucius Instituteof Tornovo University on behalf of CUG. The said Confucius Institute haddeveloped rapidly since it was launched in October of 2012 and had become thelargest Confucius Institute in Bulgaria, with a total of 200 registeredstudents. During the process, it had held several Chinese language and culturefairs in various regions of Bulgaria to spread the Chinese culture, which hadgreatly boosted the understanding and friendship between the people of the twocountries and received extensive attention and welcome from local people. It'ssaid that more and more local people were developing interest in Chineselearning and a deep affection with Chinese people. Tornovo University and CUGshow great confidence about the development of the said Confucius Institute andwill also spare no efforts to support its development.
Just as President Plamen in the meeting of thecouncil, the plane of Confucius Institute of Tornovo University will surely flyhigher and farther with two powerful wings, Tornovo University and CUG.
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