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Visas and Residence Permit

A.Responsible office

a.Responsible office: WuhanCity Public Security Bureau of exit - Entry Administration Department(or Wuhan citizen home

a) Address: Golden bridge roadNo.117,Jiangan District, Hubei Province

b) Tel: 12580-0

c) Office hour: Weekdays: 8:10-11:45 a.m. and15:10-17:45 p.m. (public holidays excluded).Saturday: 8:10-11:45 a.m.

B. Visas and Residence Permit

a.X visa: student visa, suitable for all students,especially those who will study in China for more than six months. Usuallystudents can apply for X visa by submitting JW201 or JW202 form and theAdmission Notice to the local Chinese embassy or consulate in their country.Any student holding an X visa must apply for the residence permit within 30days of entering China. Those who violate the rule shall be subject topenalties;
b.Fvisa: visitor visa, suitable for students taking refresher courses or doingpracticum of no more than six months. Students can apply for F visa bysubmitting JW201 or JW202 form and the Admission Notice to the Chinese embassyor consulate in their country. F visa duration of validity begins when theforeigner enters China. It may be extended by once three months at the most andto fifteen days after completion of study. The longest stay possible for aforeigner with an F visa is one year.
c.Lvisa: tourist visa, suitable for short-term tours. Usually foreigners holding Lvisas are not supposed to enroll for study. Those with special reasons mustreceive approval from Wuhan City Public Security Bureau of exit - EntryAdministration Department before applying for the Residence Permit;
d.Foreignerresidence permit: foreigners who will study in China for more than half a yearmust apply for residence permits which valid from half a year to five years.

Students who will study in China University of Geosciences for less than half ayear can apply for F visa while those for more than 6 months should apply forresidence permits. Undergraduate students can apply for Foreigner Residence for2-5year stay. Postgraduate students can apply ones valid for 3 years withmultiple entry and exit approval.

C.Visa and Residence Permits Application & Extension

a.Those who meet the requirements for visa orresidence permit application or extension must come to Overseas Students AffairsOffices No.1017 ten days in advance to print (or fill out) the foreigner visa(residence permit) application form which should be stamped with the OSAOofficial seal;
b.Take passport, JW202 form (or JW201 form) andforeigner visa (residence permit) application form, health certificate andapplication letter issued by OSAO to Wuhan City Public Security Bureau of exit -Entry Administration Departmenttoapply for the extension of visa or the Residence Permit, and pay necessaryfees;
c. Please go toWuhan City Public Security Bureau of exit -Entry Administration Departmenttoget the passport and residence permit one week after application.

D.Penalties Pertaining to Violating Residence Regulations

a.An X-visa holder who has not applied for aresidence permit within thirty days of arrival, or a holder of an F-visa or aresidence card who has not applied for an extension before the visas expirationdate, is residing illegally. In dealing with students residing illegally, thePublic Security Bureau will issue a. warning in accordance with "RulesGoverning the Implementation of the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on theEntry and Exit of Foreigners", or fine the student 500 RMB for every dayof illegal residence (total fine not to exceed 5,000 RMB), or detain him/herfor a period of three to ten days; serious offenders will be ordered to leavethe country within a specified period;
b.All information registered on the foreignerresidence permit (name, identity, place of employment, residence address, etc.)cannot be altered arbitrarily. If there have been changes from the informationon the foreigner residence permit, the permit holder must register the changesat the local Public Security Bureau within ten days. Otherwise, he/she will beissued a warning, or fined up to 500 RMB; serious offenders will be ordered toleave the country within a specified period; when applying for changes,foreigners are supposed to provide Application Form for Visa(Residence Permit)and Application Letter issued by OSAO.
c. When necessary, the Public Security Bureau will notify foreigners to presenttheir foreigner residence permits to the Entry and Exit Visa AdministrativeOffice for inspection. Students should present their permits before theappointed time. Those who disobey the above rules may receive a warning or afine of up to 500 RMB; serious offenders will be ordered to leave the countrywithin a specified period.

E.Regarding Lost Passports

Overseas students who lose their passports during their residence in Chinashould complete the following procedures:

a.Report the loss to the local police stationwhere the passport was lost;
b.Report the loss to Wuhan City Public SecurityBureau of exit - Entry Administration Department and get the certificate ofpassport loss;
c.Go to the embassy of the student concerned toapply for a new passport;
d.Proceed to Wuhan City Public Security Bureau ofexit - Entry Administration Department to conduct visa and residence permitprocedures.

Please Note:

In light with the updated regulations, students who obtain an F/L visa whileentering, may not change their visa into Residence Permit unless that you wishto apply for " Multiple Entry & Exit " or the visa is due toexpire before the study is completed in China.

Degree Students can qualify for a residence permit for maximum two-yearduration at a time while a non-degree one for a maximum one-semester. Thecriteria the Office charges you are as follows:

Duration < 1 year 400RMB; Duration 1 year ≤ 2 years 800RMB;

Information and procedures for visa/Residence Permit application are subject topossible changes announced by relevant offices. Please consult with OverseasStudent Affairs Offices No.1017 in advance for updated information and advice.

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