Outstanding Professor
Zhenmin Jin Research interests of Prof. Jin are focusedon: (1) Rheology and microstructure of lherzolite xenoliths from Eastern China;(2) Experimental study of rheology and partial melting of mantle rocks such aslherzolite and harzburgite as well as eclogite; (3) Microstructure and fabricsof deformation UHP-eclogite and dynamics of exhumation in Central China (Dabie– Sulu ultrahigh pressure metamorphism belt); (4) Relationship of latticepreferred orientation (LPO) of mantle anisotropy of lithosphere from EasternChina and Himalaya orogenic belt. | |
Zuoxun Zeng Main Projects: Ore-forming condition and regularity andprediction of gold and copper deposits in the borderland among Sichuan, Gansuand Shaanxi Provinces,supported by the Ministry of Land andResources of China, project leader,1996--2000. Physical modeling and geological research onhigh amplitude fold, supported by the Ministry of Education,project leader Research on the effect of the Third-gradeFaults and Fissions to the Distribution of Production Potential in BaobeiBlock,Supported by the Henan Oilfield Filiale,China Oil and Chemistry IndustryLimited Company, project leader | |
Guocan Wang Professional Experience: Main Research Projects andPosition since 1996: | |
Kunguang Yang Scholarships/awards: 1998: geological education Award (CUG) 1999:The most welcomed geological teacher bystudents (CUG) 1996: Geological sciencetific progressaward, Minister of Geology and Mineralogy, China Professional Experience: 1996-2000: Associate Professor in structuralgeology, CUG,Wuhan,Hubei, China. 1989-1994: Lecturer, Department of Geology,CUG, Wuhan,Hubei,China. | |
Jinnan Tong Professor anddoctoral supervisor of paleontology and stratigraphy at Department of Geobiology, Faculty of Earth Science Chairman of Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology of Ministry ofEducation; Chairman of Education Committee of Paleontological Society of China; Vice-chairman of Subcommission on Triassic Stratigraphy, ICS; Co-leader ofIGCP-572 (Permian-Triassic Ecosystems); Leader of National Innovation Research Group (GeoTurnGroup). Majoring at Permian-Triassic boundary geology, Triassic paleontologyand stratigraphy, co-evolution of life and environment in great turning periodsof Earth history. Current researches: Early Triassic ecosystems and biotic recovery. | |
Yuansheng Du Born in Kaifeng county,Henan Province in 1958. Bachelor of Wuhan college of geology in 1981. Master ofChina University of Geosciences (CUG) in 1989. Ph.D. of CUG in 1994. Dean ofthe Faculty of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences. Professor ofStratigraphy and Sedimentology. The member of committee of sedimentary faciesand palaeogeography of China, The commissioner of Palaeontological Society ofHubei province. | |
Xulong Lai Born in 1964. Professor of Palaeontology andStratigraphy. BSc ( China University of Geosciences-CUG ) 1984, Ph.D (CUG)1991. He is currently member of the leading group of Conodont Association ofChina. One of the editors of five monographs: ' The Triassic of QinlingMountains and Nieghbouring Areas' (CUG Press) 1992; ' Sedimentation andEvolution of Qinling Phanerzoic Basin' (Geological Publishing House)1994; 'Late Permian to Triassic Ecostratigraphy of Yangtze Plate and Adjacent Area' (Science Press )1995; ' Tectonic Physical Chemistry and Metallogenesis'(Geological Publishing House)1999; 慍ompsiteorogenic belt and metallization in adjoining area of Sichuan, Gansu and ShaanxiProvinces (CUG Press). His research interests are in conodonts and massextinction during the Permian - Triassic period, Triassic biostratigraphy andbasinal evolution in Qinling orogenic belt, Northwest China . Since 1997, hehas been involving the research of ancient DNA -an exciting and challengingfield. | |
Kexin Zhang Educational qualification ProfessionalExperience 1992-1993: Associate Professor inpalaeontology, CUG,Wuhan,Hubei, China. 1987-1991: Lecturer, Department of Geology,CUG, Wuhan,Hubei,China. Administration and other Responsibility 2000- : Vice Director of Academe ofGeological Survey, China University of Geosciences 1995-1999: Director of Institute ofGeological Survey, China University of Geosciences 1993-1994: Director of Stratigraphy andPalaeontology Laboratory, China University of Geosciences | |
Changqian Ma Research Interests Professional Affiliation: Chairman, Association of YouthGeologists, Geological Society of Hubei (1989-1992) Vice-Chairman, ExecutiveCommittee, First Academia Annual Meeting of Youths Proceedings ( Hubei ), ChinaAssociation for Science and Technology (1992) Member of a Council, SterologicalSociety of Hubei (1991- ) Vice-Chairman, Academic Committeeof CUG (1992-present ) | |
Zhengyu Bao Born on June 1st,1958, in Shaoxing city,Zhejiang province, P.R. China, and is now working as a professor ofgeochemistry in the Institute of Geochemistry,Faculty of Earth Sciences, ChinaUniversity of Geosciences in Wuhan. The academic interest is mainly focused ondynamic study of geochemical processes and computational geochemistry,especially in investigation of ore-forming processes and spatio-temporalstructure analysis of geochemical fields, geochemical data processing andrelated software development. | |
Hongfei Zhang Education: | |
Jiasheng Wang Faculty member inDepartment of Geology in Wuhan College of Geology and in School of EarthSciences in China University of Geosciences from 1985. CSC visiting scholar inGEOMAR of Kiel University (Germany) from October 2000 to October 2001,Sedimentologist in IODP Expedition 311 at Cascadia Margin in northeastern Pacific Ocean from September to October 2005, CSC visiting scholar inDepartment of Geosciences in Virginia Tech from December 2006 to December 2007,and Research scientist in the 21th Expedtion of Dayang Yihao in eastern PacificRidge from October to November 2009. |